Five things that you need to care about your software project

Having a project is a gift. However, when building the solution for the people the changes maight be happen. On this article, we will discuss five things to make your project still fruitfull, targetted, and success. Let's get started Tips 1 - explore well. Seeing a project in first sight seems easy. However, after you understand the detail you will find that the project is harder than you expec... [More]

Creating Project Reports with Azure Boards

This is the second article covering creating a report using Microsoft Add-Ins for DevOps integration. If you miss setting up the add-ins, read this post: How to Create Project Report in Azure DevOps ( This article will discuss creating a readable Excel report for project managers or product owners to understand their project progress. Step 1 – Creating Query Create your default q... [More]

Setting Up Excel Integration in Azure DevOps

In this article, we want to discuss creating a project report from Azure DevOps into Microsoft Excel. So, let's get started: Download the Azure DevOps Office 2019 here Download Visual Studio Tools - Install Free for Windows, Mac, Linux ( After installing, choose Team Tab and after that click new List You can add server by put . The s... [More]

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This blog will be dedicated to integrate a knowledge between academic and industry need in the Software Engineering, DevOps, Cloud Computing and Microsoft 365 platform. Enjoy this blog and let's get in touch in any social media.


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